Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Art of the Day: Six Harry Potter's Birthday Art and One for Draco Malfoy

I'll try not to make too many Harry Potter post today. :)

Artwork: Happy Birthday, Potter! by frecklednose124

Artwork: Happy Birthday Harry by NoellieOREO

Harry celebrating with Ron and Hermione.

Artwork: Happy bday, Harry! by Cremebunny

It's so obvious Draco still wants to be Harry's friend and continues to be a jerk because Harry rejected his offer to be his friend.

Artwork: Happy Birthday, Harry by burdge-bug

Harry celebrating with his family: Ginny, Lily, Albus and James.

Artwork: Happy Birthday Harry by NicoPony

Harry celebrating his 11th birthday.

Artwork: Happy Birthday, Harry by trowicia

And so as not to be out done by Potter, a belated birthday art to Draco Malfoy (June 5th).

Artwork: Birthday Boy! by Cremebunny

Happy Birthday, Harry Potter!

Picture: Harry's birthday cake from Hagrid from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone movie.

Today marks not just J.K. Rowling's birthday but her character Harry Potter's as well.

The lighted dial of Dudley's watch, which was dangling over the edge of the sofa on his fat wrist, told Harry he'd be eleven in ten minutes' time.  
I love this because his life changed after those ten minutes. Harry would soon meet the first person that would bring about the change in his life, Rubeus Hagrid.

"Anyway -- Harry," said the giant, turning his back on the Dursleys, "a very happy birthday to yeh. Got summat fer yeh here -- I mighta sat on it at some point, but it'll taste all right."
From an inside pocket of his black overcoat he pulled a slightly squashed box. Harry opened it with trembling fingers. Inside was a large, sticky chocolate cake with Happy Birthday Harry written on it in green icing. 

Quotes from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone book

Clip of DC Nation's Tales of Metropolis

I might have to start taping Teen Titans Go! on Saturdays instead of Tuesdays since I keep missing all the Tales of Metropolis shorts. I wonder if that's Kevin Conroy voicing Batman?

Harry Potter Graphic Art on Display in London - Video and J.K. Rowling news (for some reason the video only works on youtube)

This was some of the actual artwork that was used during the movie. I love that they took the time to create all these especially when a majority of it could barely be seen by the viewer watching the movie.

On a Harry Potter related note: J.K. Rowling has settled out of court for the lawsuit against the revealing of her pseudonym for The Cuckoo's Calling. She plans to donate the money to charity. For more information, please read The Mugglenet's article. Also, today's J.K. Rowling's birthday.

Comic Book Wednesday: 9 Books on My To Read List

I don't have a lot of book this week on my to read list. I was surprised there wasn't any independent books I wanted to read this week. I was also surprised there was so many Lois Lane centric books out. Although in one I don't think she's going to fair too well in the end (no surprise there).

So, here's my list:


Book: Captain Marvel #14


Part 5 of 5 of The Enemy Within - The Conclusion to the Harrowing five-part Captain Marvel/Avengers Assemble Event is Here! Captain Marvel will end Magnitron's Reign. No matter what it takes. No. Matter. What. It's a deadly flight to the finish!

Currently Reading: Dying for Chocolate

This is one of the 20+ books I bought from the library book sale a while back. This is the first time I'm reading anything by this author or from this series. So hopefully it's a good read.

Book: Dying for Chocolate (A Goldy Bear Culinary Mystery book #2) by Diane Mott Davidson


The Caterer

Meet Goldy Bear: a bright, opinionated, wildly inventive caterer whose personal life has become a recipe for disaster. She's got an abusive ex-husband who's into making tasteless threats, a rash of mounting bills that are taking a huge bite out of her budget, and two enticing men knocking on her door.

The Dish

Now determined to take control of her life, Goldy moves her business and her son to ritzy Aspen Meadow Country Club, where she accepts a job as a live-in cook. But just as she's beginning to think she's got it made--catering decadent dinners and posh society picnics and enjoying the favors of Philip Miller, a handsome local shrink, and Tom Schulz, her more-than-friendly neighborhood cop--the dishy doctor inexplicably drives his BMW into an oncoming bus.

The Unsavory Killer

Convinced that Philip's bizarre death was no accident, Goldy decides to do a little investigating of her own. But sifting through the unpalatable secrets of the dead doc's life will toss her into a case seasoned with unexpected danger and even more unexpected revelations--the kind that could get a caterer and the son she loves...killed

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Book Review: Batgirl vol #3: The Lesson

Book: Batgirl volume #3: The Lesson written by Bryan Q. Miller with illustrations by Dustin Nguyen, Derek Fridolfs, Pere Perez and Ramon F. Bachs (Issues #15-24)

Rating: 5 stars


I did not read the trade edition, I read the single issues #15-24. These were the last issues of Stephanie Brown's run as Batgirl before the reboot.

This was fantastic. College student by day and crime fighter by night, Steph had a full load going. Including trying to stop a mysterious team called the Reapers.

In the first two issues (#15-16), Batgirl had to deal with being accused of murdering a college student. It all happened while she was trying to stop a mysterious group from attacking two students on campus one night. They ended up getting away thanks to her unwanted new sidekick the new Grey Ghost (Clancy Johnson). But along the way she got additional help from Oracle (Barbara Gordon), Proxy (Wendy Harris) and Detective Nick Gage to try to capture the real villains and clear her name. Oh, I absolutely loved Steph's graph of the History of Batman that opens up issue #15. It's so funny.

Issue #17, had Batgirl teaming up with her "favorite" Robin (Damian Wayne) as they try to figure out who is behind the recent abduction of children. This issue has Damian going undercover as a "regular" little kid on a school field trip and he hung out with Batgirl's biggest fan Nell. While in issue #18, Batgirl teamed up with Klarion the Witch-Boy for a Valentine's Day issue to try to find Klarion's heartbroken cat Teekl and stop him from attacking more people.

Issues #19-21, Batgirl and her unwanted sidekick the Grey Ghost were on the trail of the Reapers. Leading to Steph devising a rather ingenious plan to stop one of the members. She was also surprised by having her Batgirl lair updated by a certain Cape Crusader which included a new car. The side story in these issues focused on Wendy and her striving to get her life back together. Issue #21 also marked her last appearance in the series.

In issue #22, Steph went on a fun little adventure in London for a Batman Inc. team up with Squire. They took on The Orphan and his rag tag group of assailants. However, Steph's main reason for traveling to London was to meet up with Batman for a special assignment (Batman Inc. Leviathan Strikes).

The last two issues had Batgirl finally putting an end to the Reapers plans and meeting the person leading the group from behind the scenes. As well as a death she had to contend with. I like these last two issues because you could tell how much Steph had grown as a crime fighter because the old Steph would have tried to handle everything on her own while the more mature Steph knew when it was time to call in a little back up when needed. Once the group was taken care of Batgirl went to take on the groups leader and was quite shocked to find out who it was. That incident gave her the chance to accept a few things about her life and figure out the best way to embrace it.

The entire Batgirl series starring Stephanie Brown was great and these last issues were just as fun to read as the first. To take a quote from Barbara Gordon, "She was a Pollyanna to the very end". She never gave up even when things didn't work out, she kept up the fight. She was the positive, glass half-full kind of crime fighter that never knew when to call it quits. Her very last words in issue #24 stated it perfectly "It's only the end if you want it to be".

Her adventures in the books may have ended but she will always be one of my favorite characters.

Illustration of the Day: Harry Potter Trio: Harry, Ron and Hermione

Artwork: Amortentia by Aleccha (Alessandra 10)

Poor Hermione, will Ron ever get a clue?

Is Wonder Woman Losing Her Popularity? Part Two: Possible Cause: New 52 Comic Books

by Book Girl

It's understandable why Wonder Woman maybe losing popularity within the new 52, there are currently three different versions of Wonder Woman: 1) Wonder Woman, 2) Justice League and 3) Superman. And there is nothing likeable or entertaining about any of them.

In the Wonder Woman series written by Brian Azzarello, Diana is a supporting cast in her own series. The entire series seems to focus on all the other characters besides her with the main story centering around the New Gods. She is written as naïve in scenes then as a total rip-off of Xena: Warrior Princess in others which is sad because Wonder Woman was never supposed to be Xena. Gone are her most recognizable characters such as: Etta Candy, Steve Trevor, Wonder Girl, Circe and many more. With no plans to include them as yet by the writer.

In Justice League written by Geoff Johns, she is nothing more than an angry airhead who's always looking for a fight. Most of her storylines focus on her being Superman's girlfriend.

In Superman written by Scott Lobdell, she's used as a trophy for Clark to show off and as a constant reminder to the readers that she is now his girlfriend. 

It's understandable to add changes or to update characters to keep them current but not to take away all the good things that the character had before. All the unnecessary changes signify a fundamental misunderstanding of the character. It shows that the new writers didn't understand her so they are changing her to fit them. For instance unlike in Smallville Season 11 written by Bryan Q. Miller. He has presented a modern, smart and rather cool Wonder Woman who has recently been introduced to the series. The writer has managed to do what the other three series writers haven't been able to do as of yet. He has presented an updated yet interesting and likeable character. 

I wish Bryan Q. Miller was given the chance to write a much needed second Wonder Woman series. Unfortunately, she will be featured in a new series but it will focus mainly on her relationship with Superman.

I know a lot of fans really want a Wonder Woman movie but I would prefer if DC Comics would focus on creating more well written stories for Wonder Woman and creating a better definition of who she is. Followed by more promotion. There is enough promotion for Batman and Superman, it's time for Wonder Woman to get her time in the spotlight. Then hopefully in the future fans will get an amazingly well written movie.

Part One: Possible Cause: Her Origin

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Art of the Day: Frankenstein's Monster

Artwork: Frankenstein's Monster Reading by tequilabaths

Monday, July 29, 2013

Confessions: DC Comics Characters


I completely agree.

Book Review: The Casual Vacancy

Book: The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling

Rating: 4 stars


This was far better than I expected. It was a tragic yet heartfelt tale. Once, I got passed the first 50 pages which was mainly the introduction of the main characters the story just flowed.

The Casual Vacancy focused on several families throughout the small town of Pagford as their lives intersect following the death of council member Barry Fairbrother. The town was a bit in turmoil as the council was trying to figure what to do with the low housing area dubbed the "Fields" and the Bellchapel addiction clinic, as both were seen as unpopular topics of interest in the town. When Mr. Fairbrother died, that caused a seat to become available for the town council and ignited both a war of words and competition for the seat.

This was a very detailed and emotionally charged story that had me feeling so many different things. The story captured my attention and had me wanting to know what was going to happen. There were quite a lot of surprises and twists which had me surprised because I truly wasn't expecting what was going to happen. Not at all.

As I read through the story, I couldn't help feeling sorry for the children and teenagers in this story because they seem to be treated so poorly. Many of their parents were so enthralled by their own lives and issues be it with the council and the fields or their own personal demons that the children just seem like a burden or an after thought but in one character's case, he was treated as a punching bag when things didn't go right for his father.

There were a lot of harsh and intense things happening and unfortunately this is real life to some people in the world. I think J.K. Rowling did a pretty good job of painting this picture of the lives of all the characters in the book. There was a huge class distinction going on between the residents of Pagford and residents of the Fields. And I think by the end, some of those barriers were starting to crumble. Especially following such a tragic incident.

I forgot to add that there were quite a lot of happy and funny moments in this book especially when anonymous posts under the name of Barry Fairbrother to the town council website started to appear. No one knew whose secrets the ghost was going to reveal next or when it was going to happen.

This was a very good book (however it's not for young fans of the Harry Potter series this would be best for adults).

Is Wonder Woman Losing Her Popularity? Part One: Possible Cause: Her Origin

by Book Girl

I recently read an article that stated the decline of Wonder Woman's popularity during the San Diego Comic Con. The article also suggested that the iconic character has started to slip in popularity mainstream as well.

I don't understand why Wonder Woman is seen as difficult to understand. She has a rich and interesting history that if told right will have readers wanting more. I would say Marvel's Thor has a complex origin yet that doesn't stop the character from being popular.

However, according to DC Comics they said fans thought her origin was too complex and complicated, so they changed it by making Zeus her father and turning her into a demigod. They also changed the once proud and dignified Amazons into blood thirsty murderers who rape then kill sailors in order to procreate. Not to mention they trade their unwanted sons to Hephaestus for weapons. And as if DC Comics would let anyone forget that she's now Superman's girlfriend. This "relationship" with Superman is also making Wonder Woman lose popularity among fans. Despite what the executives over at DC think, a lot of fans see this relationship as a promotional gimmick. They have rewritten Superman and Wonder Woman's history to include a lackluster romance that hardly anyone seems to be enjoying, including the characters.

So, how did all of these changes improve upon the Wonder Woman story? If anything, they have made it worst. Wonder Woman's original origin was rather simple. She had been crafted from clay by her mother Queen Hippolyta who wanted a child, which was then given life by the gods. That's far from being complicated and fits perfectly within the realms of Greek mythology in which the character was based on. For instance, in the tale of Prometheus, he created man through the use of clay with the Goddess Athena giving life to his creations.

By changing her origin, they have taken away what made her special. There is nothing special about being a child of Zeus. He has so many children that Diana is now one of many. She is the female Hercules. Where are all the things that made her different and unique? And her home world is no longer her safe haven because it's full of murderers.

And by making Superman her love interest it's seen as a shallow relationship built on fear. They are both too afraid to date the people they really want to be with (Lois Lane and Steve Trevor) and instead have gravitated to each other because their lonely. That doesn't make for an interesting relationship because they are constantly thinking about the person they would rather be with. 
Changes are good and needed but when they made such drastic changes to Wonder Woman's origin it stopped being the character and story that William Moulton Marston created. Despite all the changes within the new 52, Superman is still an orphan from Krypton who was raised by the Kents and Batman is still an orphaned billionaire whose parents were murdered and was raised by Alfred Pennyworth. While Wonder Woman's new origins are far from how she was first presented.

I wonder why it's okay to change Diana's story but not Clark or Bruce's?  

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Art of the Day: Autobot Perceptor

Artwork: Perceptor in his Lab
Lines by Caliber316
Colors by J-P Bove

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Confession: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley


That's exactly how I feel. Ginny and Harry are great characters just not great together in a relationship. It felt like J.K. Rowling put Harry and Ginny together for two reasons: 1) So, Harry could marry into the Weasley family and have the loving and caring family he's always wanted and 2) So, Harry could recreate the image of his parents.

I didn't see any real chemistry between those two and it seem like it happened out of the blue. In the books, Harry barely notices Ginny in a romantic way, she might have had a bit of an infatuation with him early on but she had gotten over him. Then all of a sudden in the sixth book, they some how fall in love. It just wasn't believable. Their relationship was very under developed and resulted in it appearing rushed.

I thought they were better as friends than being paired in a relationship. But I can't change the books.

Art of the Day: Catwoman and Batman

Artwork: Catwoman and Batman by kaciart

I love this!

Book Review: The Silver Surfer #7

Book: The Silver Surfer issue #7 by Stan Lee and John Buscema

Rating: 4 stars


In this issue The Silver Surfer had a bit of a hard time fighting a clone of himself which was created by a descendent of Frankenstein.

Although initially The Surfer was a wary of the mad scientist, he still ended up being tricked and was used in one of Frankenstein's experiments. The experiment was to create a clone of The Surfer that the scientist could control. Frankenstein set the clone against the townspeople who had attacked his castle earlier in the story when they were trying to drive him out of the small town.

I like this story it was entertaining and well written. I was proud of The Surfer for not truly trusting Frankenstein because he has been betrayed by so many in the past. He still ended up being tricked but I think that's because he's still holding out hope that humans can still be trusted.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Illustration of the Day: Birds of Prey

Illustration: Birds of Prey issue #88

Just a regular day of shopping for the ladies.

Smallville Season 11 digital issue #57 (Part 2 of Olympus) is Available

I'm about half way done with The Casual Vacancy. I should be finished by Monday.

The second part (digital issue #57) of the Smallville Season 11: Olympus arc is available. I have to remember to get it later today. I hope it's a good as the first part. Over the weekend I'll try to post my review of the first two parts. If you haven't given this series a chance, please do. It's really good and didn't have to have watched the TV show to read it.


Clark's determined to check out what's happening in Washington, so he and Lois jump on the first plane. And since the Daily Planet's footing the bill, he'll be doing some investigating while they're in town. "Olympus" part 2.

Art of the Day: Sailor Moon and Friends

Artwork: Sailor Moon and Friends by nebezial

From left to right: Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Venus and Sailor Jupiter.

Preview for The Green Team issue #3

The Green Team: Teen Trillionaires is quickly becoming one of my favorite series. It's funny and silly, everything that's missing from a lot of the comics in the new 52.

Below are a few previews for the third issue of the series that was released on Wednesday:

Book of Interest: The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon

I've read nearly all the books in this series, there's only five that I still have to read. Looking forward to reading this one. The beauty salon owner was introduced in the last book and it will be interesting to see who might be trying to put her out of business.

Book: The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon (No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency book #14) by Alexander McCall Smith

Release date: November 5th


In the latest book in the beloved best-selling series of mysteries set in Botswana, Mma Ramotswe is asked to help the proprietor of the Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon, who is having trouble with her business. The salon has suffered some unfortunate events, including face cream that burns the skin. Could someone be trying to put the salon out of business? Meanwhile, on the home front, Mma Makutsi is going to have a baby. But in Botswana—a land where family has always been held above all else but which is on the crossroads between old and new—this may be cause for as much controversy as celebration.

Video: Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor from Batman the Brave and the Bold

I really want a Wonder Woman animated series and Steve Trevor also must be in the series. She was on a couple of episodes on Batman: The Brave and the Bold series. This was her first appearance.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Book Review: The Silver Surfer #6

Book: The Silver Surfer #6 by Stan Lee and John Buscema

Rating: 3 stars


This issue had The Silver Surfer attempting to breakout of his invisible confinement by trying to travel past the speed of light. This worked but he ended up in the past which he found to be very bleak with every planet being devoid of life including his home world and Earth.

By chance The Surfer lucked up on planet that contained life but those who lived there were the downtrodden lackeys of The Overlord. Once The Surfer was taken to The Overlord he stood before the universe's worst enemy. All the life in the universe had been destroyed by him.

Faced with trying to stop an unstoppable enemy, The Surfer with additional information from one of the unfortunate guards was able to stop The Overlord by going back in the past to prevent an accident that inadvertently created the villain.

This was a pretty good issue because it made you think about if the things you do now may some how create something bad in the future. The poor surfer, he has to be one of the most saddest characters around.

Throwback Thursday: Fashion: Kate Middleton

Since on Twitter it's considered Throwback Thursday I thought I'd feature an older bit of fashion.

Okay, who didn't think Kate Middleton looked stunning wearing this beautiful teal dress for the 2012 London Olympic Gala Concert? I just loved the lace on the back of the dress (see third picture) and the fact that she didn't go with a prime and proper shoe (see the fourth picture for a better view). I also thought her hair was really pretty (pictures five and six).

Book of Disinterest: Batman/Superman comic book series

Initially, I was a little apprehensive about a the new Batman/Superman series but I picked up issue #1 and it was okay. The artwork was better than the story. However, when I read issue two I decided to stop reading this series because not only have they decided to incorporate the Superman/Wonder Woman fauxmance they also had Wonder Woman killing Lois Lane. It's so blatantly obvious that they just want to get rid of Lois.

After that stupid stunt I will be taking this series off of my pull list. I don't understand DC Comics. What do they have against Lois Lane and for that matter Wonder Woman? I'm tired of the Lois Lane bashing and I won't be buying anymore issues from this series.

Art of the Day: Reading at the Cafe

Artwork: Reading at the Café

Update: Artwork: A Student in Paris (1913) by Ethel Pennywill Brown Leach

Does anyone know the name of the artist for this artwork? I found it on and I think it's absolutely wonderful.

Fashion Meets Comics: Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn, the lovable lunatic's original costume might have her smiling but it doesn't quite work for real life. However, I did find an outfit inspired by her that just might have you smiling instead.

Top: Favorite V-Neck Tee  $3.80  Forever 21

Pants: LOVEsick Red Skinny Jeans  $25.88 (sale)  Hot Topic

But if this is too safe a look for the ultimate Harley Quinn fan then pair a black t-shirt with the pants below:

Pants: Royal Bones Red Checker Split Leg Skinny Jeans  $29.63 (sale)  Hot Topic

Why is Batman in the Man of Steel Sequel?

By Book Girl

I have put off mentioning anything about the Man of Steel sequel but my lovely but annoying friends keep asking me what I think (since I was very disappointed by the first). I guess I'm the residential Nerd Girl and they want my opinion.

Here are my thoughts, I'm not the biggest fan of the first movie but I find it strange that Superman can't even have his own movie franchise. Why incorporate Batman into the Superman trilogy? Something's wrong if the Man of Steel can't carry his own series. Either the writing for the sequel wasn't strong or they finally realized Henry Cavill's acting isn't good and they need something to distract the viewer from that. Most likely with Batman stealing most of the scenes.

It makes me wonder why Batman? And why now? Especially since neither Superman nor Clark Kent have barely been established and now they are bringing in Batman. Hopefully they are still not trying to play catch up with Marvel.

I find it interesting that in the most recent Batman franchise they didn't include any characters that were outside of Batman's world. No Martian Manhunter, No Wonder Woman and certainly No Superman. Especially since they didn't even include Batgirl, Robin (that mention in TDKR doesn't count), or Poison Ivy.

Another thing, there is nothing that distinguish this Superman from Batman. This Superman is shown as dark and broody what will Batman bring to the film besides being even more dark and broody. Who will bring the hopeful positive attitude? Perhaps they saw the error they made with creating such a dark Man of Steel and they plan on fixing that for the sequel. But I'm not holding my breath and waiting.

Lastly, there does seem to be a bit of good news Perry White, Martha Kent and Lois Lane will be returning and hopefully they won't be pushed even more to the sidelines to promote more action and of course more Batman.

As much as I love Batman, I feel like DC is over using him. They should just let Superman have his own series then create a Superman/Batman movie then a Wonder Woman, Flash, and a better Green Lantern movie before giving fans a really good Justice League Movie.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Preview of Smallville Season 11 digital issue #56: Olympus (Wonder Woman)

Smallville Season 11 continues to be one of my favorite series and now they have introduced another one of my favorite characters, Wonder Woman. I really enjoyed reading this.


Olympus" part 1! When Senator Martha Kent's limousine is attacked by a magick-wielding maniac, she's rescued by a mysterious figure -- but it's not her son, Superman! Will this new super hero prove to be a friend?

Below is a preview of the first part of the Olympus arc:

Just look at little Diana and Steve Trevor aren't they the cutest?

Book Girl Thoughts: No Descriptions on Books

One of my pet peeves is finding a book with no description either on the back of a paperback or the inside of hardcover. Sometimes, I've run across a few of these and all they have are praises of the book where the description should be. That's good and all but all I want is to know is what the book is about. I would understand if I had found an old book at a small bookstore or something. But I can't understand why newer books would not have one.

So, if I want to know what the book is about I would have to go online to try to find out. Which is a real pain. It really wouldn't take much to include just a little blurb, you think they would do that.

Draculaura (Monster High) Cake

Happy Birthday to Lynda Carter!

Happy Birthday to Lynda Carter, an amazing actress and singer. I wish her the best on her birthday. She is still considered to be the one and only Wonder Woman.

Comic Book Wednesday: 14 Books on My To Read List

I don't know why I never thought to organize my Comic Book Wednesday post by companies.

I decided not to read the Trinity War crossover event, I'm really tired of superheroes fighting amongst themselves and decided not to read it. DC's planning on killing off a few more characters so I'll pass. I'm sure the aftermath will trickled down to all the other books.

I also decided to stop reading Superior Spider-Man, I'll go back to it when Peter Parker returns. I gave the book a good chance but I still miss reading about Peter Parker as Spider-Man and I really can't stand Doc Ock pretending to be Peter and Spider-Man.

Marvel Comics

Book: Young Avengers #8


The Young Avengers desperately race across the multiverse. Nothing can stop their pursuit of their missing friend. Except the urge to stop and take photos, obv. Lots of cleverly hidden exposition. Kieron decides it's time to make all the JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY readers scream.

Wish List Wednesday: Catwoman Barbie Doll

Catwoman Barbie doll   $34.95

I totally want this, too bad she's out of stock. The Catwoman action figure is already on my wishlist and I guess I will have to add this as well. Hopefully they will more soon.

I already have a Lois Lane, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Black Canary and Supergirl Barbie dolls. I can't wait to get this.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Quote: No. #1 Ladies' Detective Agency

“Mma Ramotswe sighed. 'We are all tempted, Mma. We are all tempted when it comes to cake.'

That is true,' said Mma Potokwane sadly. 'There are many temptations in this life, but cake is probably one of the biggest of them.”

Quote from In the Company of Cheerful Ladies (No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency book #6)

Royal Family Leaving Hospital - Video

(Video Source: USA Today)

I would like to congratulate the Royal couple on their new baby.

To read the USA Today article click here

Illustration of the Day: Lois Lane

Illustration: Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane issue #130

Lois Lane is one of my favorite characters. Although she might be lacking in superpowers, she doesn't need any to kick a little butt and with a garbage can, no doubt.

Despite, the bad treatment Lois has received from DC Comics during the new 52, she continues to be a fan favorite. No matter what DC does or continues to do to Lois Lane, they will not stop me from being a fan. Which is what the company is truly hoping fans will do. They want fans to stop liking her but that's not going to happen.

Beware the Batman 2nd Episode Review

Episode Title: Secrets

Rating: 3 1/2 stars

I thought the second episode was far better than the first. The show is improving. However, Batman continues to be pathetic when it comes to being out there fighting the criminals. Because in the first few minutes when Batman faced off against Magpie she kicked his butt (which was no surprise). This continued throughout the entire episode until the end when he was finally able to stop her. It's ridiculous how many times Magpie kicked his butt in this episode. It's hard to believe he's supposed to have put Lunkhead in a coma for two months when he can barely hold his own in a fight with Magpie. This is a very disappointing Batman.

Art of the Day: Captain America

Artwork: Captain America by earache-J

Steve Rogers a.k.a Captain America

I think this is truly spectacular. What a wonderful job the artist did?!